
We provide products for mental health

My Story

For some, there is a clear life altering date, that moment where things couldn’t be any more evident; that special date that changes your course of life, your path. Like the moment you walk away from a toxic relationship, or the moment you quit your job to follow your passion; that particular day that shifts you from being on the back burner to being in the forefront. My life has been filled with many moments like this. But more then a specific date or time, there are people. People who have played the greatest role in strengthening me, teaching me, inspiring me to be who I am today. The ones who were the reason for those life altering dates.

As a child, I was sensitive to other people’s energies and emotions. I never realized what an empath is, until later years. As I grew older, I learned that my dreams were a form of prediction of the future. I began to be visited by spirits in life and in dreams. However, nothing prepared me for what I was going to learn when I first started to mediate. Meditation strengthened my abilities and opened me to understand that there is more to this universe then meets the eye. As time passed, like most people, I had ups and downs, heartbreaks and overwhelming love floated in and out of my life. Those where moments of chaos, but the moments I did most of my growing. In between those moments, during the calmness and quietness, is where I did my learning. 

At a time of my life when I felt my lowest, battling health issues that opened the door to depression, anxiety and lack of self-care, God opened a window. Through that window walked in people who have shaped me, encouraged me, gave me hope and strength beyond anything I could have asked for. In the midst of my chaos, I didn’t recognize the window, and never would I have opened the door to so many wonderful life changing paths, had I not gone through the experiences I once did. Those moments of giving up, fearing death, and feeling broken thought me to listen, to look for signs from the universe and to be aware enough to open the door and let light into my life. I would not be who I am today, have the passion, drive and strength had it not been for those difficult, dark days. I am thankful for my experiences, because it taught me who I need to be and my purpose in this life. 

Today, as a certified healer and spiritual advisor, I want to be that person in your life. The person that encourages, shapes and heals. The person that walks through the window and opens the door for you. My goal is to help you understand the chaos, the love, the pain, the altering life experience, that is taking place. To strengthen you, make you aware of your own abilities, and lend a guiding hand through the path of growth. 

Founder, Owner
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